LUNCH: Breakfast for Lunch, Biscuits and Gravy, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage, Tater Tots, Juice and Milk
Lets all work together & keep our cafeteria & student center clean & quiet during lunchtime so we don't lose the privilege of going outside. Coach Davis
2018 Homecoming Theme: “Hollywood Homecoming - Lights, Camera, REDSKINS”
Spirit days:
10/1-Monday - Decade Day
10/2-Tuesday - Farmer Day
10/3-Wednesday - Holiday Day
10/4-Thursday - Movie or TV Character Day
10/5-Friday - Red and White Day
Congratulations to the Pocahontas junior and senior high chess players today! Pocahontas ranked first! Congratulations to five of our players for winning 4 out of 5 games: Kyle Kaczmarski (PHS), Cason Rice, Ethan Campagna, Kenan Ogden, and Jaron Lindquist! Also, congratulations to Ashley Cusson for going undefeated by winning all five games and becoming the very first female to be undefeated in the history of the annual Northeast Arkansas Education Cooperative chess tournament for junior and senior high!
Flu shot forms were passed out to our students today Tuesday 9/25/18. They need to be returned to our nurse Sandra Bryant by Thursday 10/5/18. The shots will administered at Pocahontas Junior High on Friday 10/12 @ 1:00 PM.
10/8- Picture Retakes
Monday 10/1/18
Tuesday 9/25/18
9/25-Volleyball vs Brookland 7th, Jr B/A, Sr B/A @ 4:30 PM
9/25-Cross Country @ Old Davidsonville State Park Dismiss runners @ 2:15 PM
9/25-Tennis @ Corning @ 4:00 PM Dismiss players @ 2:30 PM
The FFA members will be voting on T-Shirt ideas for the FFA Chapter on Tuesday during classes.
Wednesday 9/26/18
Thursday 9/27/18
9/27-7th grade Football vs Westside @ 5:30 PM
9/27-Junior High Football vs Westside @ 7:00 PM
Friday 9/28/18
9/28-Senior High Football @ Westside @ 7:00 PM
Sports and Activities
PRIDE Team auditions will be held in Mrs. Moffett's room,Wednesday (9/26) from 3:30-5:30 and during lunch. Sign up posters for audition times are in two locations- in front of Mrs. Moffett's door and on the wall between Mrs. Cox's office and the library at PJHS.
*You will need to have a 90 second song, 60 second dance routine, OR a 30 second speech/skit/monologue prepared to perform at that time.
9/25/18-Golf Girls State @ Big Sugar CC 9:00 am
9/29-Volleyball-Junior A @ Brookland TBA
10/1-Golf Boys State @ Ridge Pointe @ 9:00 am
Link will have a dance on October 5th after homecoming. Don't forget Mums are still on sale.
Also Link is selling Pizza Kits
S.W.A.T. every Thursday @ 12:00 pm in Mrs. Marlow's classroom
FFA Members wanting to order FFA Jackets can do starting August 20th check with Mr. Washburn for details.
LINK/PRIDE applications are outside Mrs. Cox's office on the red table. Please pick up one. Dues this year are $10.00 for each person (old or new member)