Pizza, Romaine Salad, Lite Ranch, Orange/Apple, Sherbet and Milk

Lets all work together & keep our cafeteria & student center clean & quiet during lunchtime so we don't lose the privilege of going outside. Coach Davis


Flu shot forms need to be returned to our nurse, Sandra Bryant, by Thursday 10/4/18. The shots will administered at Pocahontas Junior High on Friday 10/12 @ 1:00 PM.

10/8- Picture Retakes 

Reminder: Please remember once a student has reached 6 absences in any given class period that a parent note will not excuse that absence. After 6 absences, the only notes that excuse students are doctor notes, death or serious injury in the immediate family, an appt with government agency. Please also remember excuse notes must be presented to the office within 5 days of returning to school. Notes presented more that 5 days may not be accepted. Notes should be turned into the office first thing in the morning, (for more details see page 27/28  of the District Pupil Policies handbook.) 

Thursday 10/4/18

Movie or TV Character Day

There will be a mandatory PRIDE team meeting at lunch today in Mrs. Moffett’s room. 

The library will be closed after school on Thursday

10/4-Volleyball @ Wynne 7th, Jr A, Sr B/A @ 4:30 PM Release players @ 1:30 PM

S.W.A.T. every Thursday @ 12:00 pm in Mrs. Marlow's classroom

10/4-7th grade Football @ Cave City @ 5:30 PM

10/4-Jr Football @ Cave City @ 7:00 PM

Friday 10/5/18

Red and White Day

LINK Jr. High Homecoming Dance:

Oct. 5 from 9-11:00 p.m. in the Jr. High cafeteria

Cost: $5.00/person which includes admission and refreshments

Pay at the door.

Mark Davis from Party Time Production in Walnut Ridge will be our D.J.

Dress: You do not have to dress up fancy for the Jr. High dance.

Who can come: Only our Jr. High students at PJHS

Dates: You do not need a date. You will have more fun with all the rest of the students. Mrs. McCallister will show you some real dance moves!

9/28-Senior High Football vs Cave City @ 7:00 PM (Homecoming)

Sports and Activities

10/10-NJHS dues are due $15.00

10/6-Jr./Sr. Quiz Bowl Invitational at Izard County Consolidated  

10/24-Acts of Kindness...Recognizing our Redskins! Bullying Prevention Assembly   

LINK/PRIDE applications are outside Mrs. Cox's office on the red table. Please pick up one. Dues this year are $10.00 for each person (old or new member)