LUNCH: Redskin Cafe Bacon Cheeseburger, Sweet Potato FF, Sand Salad Cup, Fruit and Milk
Thursday 10/18/18
Mrs. Phelps will do LINK training after school in her room until >span class="gmail-m_-1947578882175503520m_-8638314222836254482gmail-m_-1360246718517559022m_-3124177922633002877gmail-aBn">4:30. Bring your folder, if you have one already.
Release 7th and JR FB boys after 6th hour
7th grade FB @ Trumann @ 5:30 PM
JR FB @ Trumann @ 7:00 PM
Friday 10/19/18
SR FB vs Trumann @ Home @ 7:00 PM
Sports and Activities
October 20--CAAS regional chess tournament
10/24-Acts of Kindness...Recognizing our Redskins! Bullying Prevention Assembly
There is a change in the LINK teacher training. Tuesday will NOT be a day of training! Parent/Teacher Conferences are Tuesday. Mrs. Cox will move the day training to in the student center. Mrs. Phelps will train after school >span class="gmail-m_-1947578882175503520m_-8638314222836254482gmail-m_-1360246718517559022m_-3124177922633002877gmail-m_-2417290100575587927gmail-m_-1809164058691872138gmail-aBn">on Thursday until 4:30 p.m. We will have lunch time training for energizers in the gym on Thursday, Monday 22, and Tuesday 23.
Unity Day is Oct. 24. Wear something orange.
LINK student teachers will be out morning on >span class="gmail-m_-1947578882175503520m_-8638314222836254482gmail-m_-1360246718517559022m_-3124177922633002877gmail-m_-2417290100575587927gmail-m_-1809164058691872138gmail-aBn">Oct. 25, to teach at St. Paul's and Alma Spikes. M.D. students will only be out one period to teach.