Lunch: Chicken Fajita wrap, Quick baked potato, Lettuce/tomato/ranch, Pickle spear, Fruit and Milk. General:
Jr. High Student Council is participating in a Coat Drive. Donate your new or gently used coats to help students of the Pocahontas School District stay warm this winter!
Student Council Meeting Monday at 12:10 in computer lab C.
Tuesday, November 1st:
Cornerstone Coalition on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in computer lab C.
Chess tournament at NEA Co-op
Wednesday, November 2nd:
NJHS officers, meet in Mrs. Murray's room at 12:20 for a brief meeting.
Thursday, November 3rd:
FFA Meeting at 4 PM
Friday, November 4th:
Sunday, November 6th:
Daylight Saving Time Ends - Fall back
Upcoming Events:
Nov. 12th: PHS Project Graduation 5k Color Run with Fun Run. Registration forms are available in the office.
Nov. 12 Quiz Bowl Camp at Greene County Tech
Nov. 17th: The Pocahontas FFA Annual Livestock show meeting will take place at 6 PM.
Nov. 18th: Progress Reports go home.
Nov. 21st - Nov. 25th : Thanksgiving Break