LUNCH: Chili Cheese Hot Dog, Baked Chips, Celery Stix & Dip, Pork n Beans, Sidekick Slush and Milk
Start collecting your spare change for Kiss the Pig! Participating teachers will have a container with their name on it in the hallway January 27-February 1. The teacher who has the most money in their container will kiss a pig on Valentine's Day. All proceeds will go to the Make a Wish Foundation.
Yearbooks will be on sale the month of January. Yearbooks are $30.00 and may be purchased in the library. Checks should be made payable to Pocahontas Junior High.
Recently there have been a few students who are not checking in when coming to school late for whatever reason. Remember you need to sign your name and the time checked in.
The FFA Application night has been rescheduled for January 24th at 6 Pm in the Ag building.
Thursday 1/17/19
Who's Who pictures today.
SWAT club meeting every Thursday from 12-12:30.
There will be FFA Farm Sale meeting at lunch in Mr. Hogan's Room.
Friday 1/18/19
We will be having a Recognizing our Redskins Assembly Friday at 10:00. We will have a guest speaker from Make A Wish.
Coding Club will meet at lunch.
Mrs. Kercheval will not be here. There is no GT or lunch chess today.
Jr. & Sr. Boys & Jr. & Sr. Girls Basketball play Batesville Southside, Home @ 4:30.
Sports and Activities
The Pocahontas FFA Livestock Show Team will compete at the Ag Expo Livestock Show in West Monroe Louisiana January 18th-19th team please wish them luck. Clair Prondzinski, 9th Grade, and Madelyn Hart, 10th Grade, will be competing.