LUNCH: Nachos, Lettuce/Tomato, Salsa, Seasoned Corn, Fresh Fruit, Sherbet and Milk
Monday (2/11/19) is the last day to order Little Caesars' Pizza kits from LINK. Please turn in your money before or on Monday. Pizza's will be delivered on Friday, Feb. 15, 2019.
A Relay for Life fundraiser chess tournament will be held February 12-15 during lunch in the GT room. Entry fee is $3 per person. The tournament is limited to the first 16 people who sign up with payment. See Mrs. Kercheval for sign-ups.
The Miss Redskin pageant will be March 2, 2019 at Pocahontas Junior High gym. It is open to Pre-K thru 12th grade students. Registration forms are available in all school offices. Deadline for registration in February 25th.
Get your Valentine's Day outfit ready for Project Cupid! Walk the runway in your best Valentine's Day costume! You may sign up in the library for a $3.00 entry fee. You may walk as an individual or as a pair! Let's have some fun and support Make-a-Wish!
The Valentine's Day Sadie Hawkins Dance will be February 15 from 7:30-10:00. $5.00 admission and concessions available.
Project Graduation is having a fundraiser. Heather Fletcher, Emily Hausman and Karen Johnson will be selling Crush sodas for Valentine's Day. Tuesday, January 22nd through February 13th: Send a Crush soda to your Valentine for $1. Find out who sent the soda after Valentine's Day for $1.
Friday 2/8/19
Basketball Pictures Today!
Last Day to turn in order for Yearbooks!
No Coding Club this week
2:00 PM Culture Fest - February 8 (Performances at Alma, PJHS, PHS, MD during the day. That evening from 6-8:00 p.m. performances and food tasting from different cultures.
Basketball games tonight:
SR Girls play Salem, Home @ 5:00
Senior Recognition following the Girls game
SR Boys play Gosnell following the Senior Recognition
Sports and Activities
PRIDE Conference in Hot Springs - February 18 & 19
2/23 4A State Quiz Bowl--Arkadelphia