LUNCH: Green Eggs & Ham, Tater Tots, Green Pineapple Gelatin, Biscuit & Gravy and Milk
Office Announcements
*The nurse is out of the building today, if you have an emergency and you must see a nurse, please come to the office.
*Students, please make sure to check your Informal Assembly Google Classrooms. There are many things in there that are beneficial to you. If you have not signed up and/or do not know the code, it is mhyji4.
*Picture Day will be Monday, March 4th for PJHS. Order forms will go out with progress reports this Friday.
FFA News
*There will be a meeting in Mrs. Washburn's Classroom at lunch on Friday for anyone who competed at the local Agri Science Fair and their project is going on to state.
*Any FFA members or students that are going to take Agriculture classes next year and are wanting to show livestock need to see Mr. Washburn on or before March 14th, 2019 to discuss getting animals or what kind of animals you already have.
Sports News
Track meet on Tuesday, March 5th has been cancelled due to predicted weather.
DR Seuss's Birthday
Friday, March 1st, is Dr. Seuss's Birthday the lunch room staff will be dressing up in honor of this day and will have decorations out to honor Dr. Seuss , the menu will be Green Eggs and Ham, please join us in dressing up to celebrate this special day! (Special thank you to the lunch room staff!) If you would like to wear a hat in celebration, please see Mrs. Hausman to pay $1.
Sadie Hawkins Dance
The Sadie Hawkins Dance will be this Friday, March 1st, from *7:00-9:30. $5.00 admission and concessions available. *time change
Friday 3/1/19
Dr. Seuss Day
State Agri Science Fair meeting in Mrs. Washburn's room at lunch, for those whose local projects are going on to state.
Coding Club
V/JV Redskin Baseball, Corning, Home @ 4:30
Sadie Hawkins Dance
Sports and Activities
Saturday, March 2 Regional Odyssey of the Mind--Greene Co. Tech