LUNCH: Fish Sandwich, French Fries, Cole Slaw, Cupcake, Fruit and Milk
Office Announcements
*Monday, March 11 during 1st period, a representative from Lyon College will be here to talk to 9th graders that might be interested in summer program of Upward Bound Science, Math and Art.
*Mrs. Cox has requested that all 9th graders and their advisers meet in the cafeteria 2nd period, next Wednesday, March 13, to go over SEGP information and Student Success Plans. Please mark this on your calendars. Each adviser needs to feel comfortable with the Student Success Plans when talking to the parents on April 23rd and April 25th. You will get your folders and boxes during the meeting on March 13, 2019.
*Students, please make sure to check your Informal Assembly Google Classrooms. There are many things in there that are beneficial to you. If you have not signed up and/or do not know the code, it is mhyji4.
FFA News
*Chapter Officer Applications will be available March 11th and due back March 29th.
*The local FFA Scholarship Application will be available on March 11th and due back April 12th.
*Any FFA members or students that are going to take Agriculture classes next year and are wanting to show livestock need to see Mr. Washburn on or before March 14th, 2019 to discuss getting animals or what kind of animals you already have.
Sports News
Any 8th-11th grader interested in being on the golf team, please come to Coach Hausman's room @ junior high (room 209) on Tuesday, March 12 @ 12:10 for a team meeting.
Friday 3/8/19
No Coding Club today
Sports and Activities