LUNCH: Chicken Pot Pie, Romaine Salad, Hot Roll, Fresh Apple Slices and Milk
Attention: Students, the 7th Grade Hall door to MD Williams is closed to traffic exiting the building at the end of the day. The temporary fencing that is up currently will be locked and you will not be able to exit to the bus circle. Please use the front doors.
Epic Volleyball - Friday, March 15th
The epic Volleyball Tournament will be held this Friday, March 15th. A donation of $1 to Relay for Life is being asked of each student. Teachers, we ask that you collect money from the students during 1st hour on Friday morning. There will be a concession stand available. There will be candy, chips and drinks available for purchase. Proceeds from the concession stand will go toward ACT Aspire incentives. For this year's ACT Aspire testing, any student who scores Advanced, Proficient, or shows improvement from previous scores will be entered into a drawing to win a new iPad. The number of winners will be determined by how much money we raise from the concession stand Friday.
Office Announcements
*Spring Break - March 18th-22nd
*Mrs. Cox has requested that all 9th graders and their advisers meet in the cafeteria 2nd period, next Wednesday, March 13, to go over SEGP information and Student Success Plans. Please mark this on your calendars. Each adviser needs to feel comfortable with the Student Success Plans when talking to the parents on April 23rd and April 25th. You will get your folders and boxes during the meeting on March 13, 2019.
*Students, please make sure to check your Informal Assembly Google Classrooms. There are many things in there that are beneficial to you. If you have not signed up and/or do not know the code, it is mhyji4.
FFA News
*Chapter Officer Applications will be available March 11th and due back March 29th.
*The local FFA Scholarship Application will be available on March 11th and due back April 12th.
*Any FFA members or students that are going to take Agriculture classes next year and are wanting to show livestock need to see Mr. Washburn on or before March 14th, 2019 to discuss getting animals or what kind of animals you already have.
Sports News
*The junior high baseball game for Tuesday has been moved to Friday at Palestine Wheatley at 5:00.
*Any 8th-11th grader interested in being on the golf team, please come to Coach Hausman's room @ junior high (room 209) on Thursday, March 14th** @ 12:10 for a team meeting. **date change
Tuesday 3/12/19
CCM will be held in Mr. Washburn's classroom during lunch today.
Mrs. Massey will not have tutoring this Tuesday.
Mrs. McCallister will not have tutoring this Tuesday.
Redskin Softball, Brookland, Away @ 4:30 - Release at 1:30
V/JV Redskin Baseball, Brookland, Away @ 4:30 - Release at 2:00
Track - 7th Grade Hoxie, Away - Release at 2:00
Wednesday 3/13/19
Thursday 3/14/19
Pi Day
SWAT club meeting every Thursday from 12-12:30.
Track - Peco Foods SR High Relays, Home
SR High Baseball, Valley View, Home @ 4:30 - Release at 3:00
Redskin Softball, Valley View, Home @ 4:30
Friday 3/15/19
Coding Club
JR High Baseball, Palestine-Wheatley, Away @ 5:00
Redskin Softball Brookland Tournament
Sports and Activities
March 16th - Redskin Softball in Brookland Tournament, TBA
March 19-20 - SR High Baseball in Best of the West at Covington, TN, TBA