Construction is still underway at the new elementary school. Things are moving along nicely.
over 5 years ago, Pocahontas Public Schools
New construction
There will a 7th grade football game played at home against Walnut Ridge on Monday, September 16, at 6:00 pm.
over 5 years ago, Julie Utnage
The 7th grade football game that was to be played on Thursday against Paragould has been cancelled.
over 5 years ago, Julie Utnage
The Duck bus will be double routed this afternoon and will run about 30 minutes late.
over 5 years ago, Julie Utnage
The Biggest Redskins Fan!!
over 5 years ago, Jerry Martens
Hunter going through the Spirit line at MD Williams.
Junior class looking at class rings
over 5 years ago, Jerry Martens
Jr class rings
Parents: Just a reminder that your child's meal application from the previous year is set to expire soon. You must fill out a new application each year.
over 5 years ago, Julie Utnage
Redskins win over Batesville Southside 42-18.
over 5 years ago, Jerry Martens
Redskins victory!!
To create a more personalized experience, please follow each school at the following twitter accounts: @Alma_Spikes, @MD_WilliamsINT, @PHS_Redskins, and @PJHS_Redskins. The @PocahontasSD account will still be used for district wide information and news.
over 5 years ago, PSD Technology
This statement was just released by Ivy Pfeffer at the Arkansas Department of Education: STATE POLICE STATEMENT ON SOCIAL MEDIA POSTINGS RELATED TO SCHOOL THREAT AUGUST 25, 2019 The Arkansas State Police has been in close contact in recent days with the Federal Bureau of Investigation attemping to identify the source of an alleged threat of gun violence at an undisclosed Arkansas school reportedly planned for later this week. At this time no corroborating evidence or useful details have been uncovered in regard to the information provided to the FBI. In the event more specific or credible information is received; it will be shared with local law enforcement offices, state and local school officials, as well as Arkansas citizens. The Arkansas State Police asks that if anyone has information about a threat of violence whether the site of the threat may be a school or other public place, please contact your nearest Arkansas State Police Office or local law enforcement agency. A complete listing of state police offices can be found at
over 5 years ago, Jerry Martens
POCAHONTAS SCHOOL DISTRICT GENERAL AWARENESS STATEMENT Pocahontas School District Sunday, August 25, 2019 Pocahontas School District would like to inform our parents and patrons about information that was presented to us by the Pocahontas Police Department. The Little Rock FBI office issued a general awareness statement regarding a report they received that a school shooting would occur in Arkansas on 8/29/19. The reporting parting lives in another country, and his/her identity could not be confirmed. The reporting party allegedly received the information while playing an online video game. The threat is not specific to any schools in Arkansas, but we at Pocahontas Public Schools take all such law enforcement announcements seriously at our campuses. We will continue to monitor the provided information in coordination with local law enforcement and take appropriate security measures. As of this time, all campuses will operate on their regular schedules on 8/29/19, but with a strong presence provided by our local law enforcement agencies.
over 5 years ago, Jerry Martens
Kindergarten fun.
over 5 years ago, Jerry Martens
Practicing the Tootie- Ta dance.
First day of Kindergarten!!
over 5 years ago, Jerry Martens
The newest Redskins arrived at Alma Spikes Monday.
The tennis match against Corning has been changed. It will now be played at Pocahontas on September 5th.
over 5 years ago, Julie Utnage
The Golf match that was scheduled for today has been cancelled due to the excessive heat.
over 5 years ago, Julie Utnage
The Pocahontas Redskins overcame the heat and the Blazers to post a 27-7 victory over Valley View. Go Redskins!!
over 5 years ago, Jerry Martens
MDW teachers giving their students a chance to choose how the teacher welcomes them into the classroom!
over 5 years ago, Jerry Martens
Welcome to the classroom.
Mr. Martens delivering a message to our staff this morning at our district wide meeting
over 5 years ago, Pocahontas Public Schools
Mr. Martens Speaking
Phones look to be back in working order now throughout the District. Sorry for any inconvenience this past week.
over 5 years ago, PSD Technology
The Meal applications for the 2019-2020 SY are now posted and open to applicants at or visit the Pocahontas School web page for a paper application. You may also pre-pay for school meals at
over 5 years ago, Julie Utnage