Reminder! Thursday, December 16th.
There is no tutoring at Pocahontas Elementary today.
Dear Parents,
Unfortunately, after reviewing the district's current approach to classroom parties and speaking with other administrators, Pocahontas Elementary will not be allowing parents to attend our classroom parties. I understand this may be an inconvenience, but I do appreciate your understanding.
Wednesday, December 15, 2021: The Duck bus is double routed today. Duck bus riders will be arriving home a little later than usual. Thank you for your patience
Tuesday, December 14, 2021: The Duck bus is double routed today. Duck bus riders will be arriving home a little later than usual. Thank you for your patience.
Thursday, December 9, 2021: The Duck bus is double routed today. Duck bus riders will be arriving home a little later than usual. Thank you for your patience,
Wednesday, December 8, 2021: The Duck bus is double routed today. Duck bus riders will be arriving home a little later than usual. Thank you for your patience.
Great News!!!! Asphalt repairs start tomorrow. Drop off and pick up will be the most affected during the repair process on the east side of the building.
The first row of parking spots will be blocked off due to the proximity to the work area. Drop off and pick up will be moved to the first lane of the parking lot. This means that the first lane will become a one way for exiting only.
Afternoon pick up will be moved to that lane as well. The cross walk will be the only way from the parking lot to the building.
Please pay close attention to the directional flow if you drop your child off in the morning.
Friday December 17th is Christmas Spirit Day! Any Christmas themed clothing will do.
Thursday December 16th is Christmas Sweater Day!! Ugly or Nice; wear it with pride.
Wednesday December 15th is Christmas Socks Day!!
Tuesday December 14th is Grinch Day!!! Wear your green.
Monday December 13th is Polar Express Day!! Wear your PJs.
Tuesday, December 7, 2021: The Duck bus is double routed today. Duck bus riders will be arriving home a little later than usual. Thank you for your patience.
Monday, December 6, 2021: The Duck bus is double routed today. Duck bus riders will be arriving home a little later than usual. Thank you for your patience.
Friday, December 3, 2021: The Duck bus is double routed today. Duck bus riders will be arriving home a little later than usual. Thank you for your patience.
Friday, November 19, 2021: The Duck bus is double routed today. Duck bus riders will be arriving home a little later than usual. Thank you for your patience.
Pocahontas Elementary Cookie Dough Fundraiser is arriving TODAY (11/16/21)!!! Parents will need to pick up orders at the front of the building between 2:00 and 5:30.
Pocahontas Elementary:
Cookie Dough Fundraiser delivery is postponed. It is not coming in today but should be here next week. You will be updated as soon as we confirm the new delivery date. Thank you.
Pocahontas Elementary Cookie Dough Fundraiser is arriving tomorrow (11/11/21)! Parents will need to pick up orders at the front of the building between 2:00 and 5:30.
Monday, November 1, 2021: The Duck bus is double routed today. Duck bus riders will be arriving home a little later than usual. Thank you for your patience.