Alma Spikes Nurse, Tiffany Gugle will be at the building for parents that need to pick up medicine from her office, Monday, April 20th from 11:00-12:00 noon. This is the third and final attempt to dispense medications. Individual appointments will have to be made after Monday.
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Preschool Parents: Students that were, or are enrolled in the ABC Program are expected to complete AMI Packets. However, parent paid positions could not be expected to do so. If new directions are given by the state, I will relay them ASAP.
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Alma Spikes Nurse, Tiffany Gugle will once again be at the building for parents that need to pick up medicine from her office. Wednesday, April 15 from 10:00-11:00 am.
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Pocahontas Food Program
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Pocahontas Food Program
Parents are asking about picking up student items such as classroom materials or supplies. The plan is to wait until Spring Pictures and Yearbooks have arrived so that all the pick ups can be done at one time. Projected for mid May. Thank you for your patience.
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
PBS AMI Material; Week 3, April 13-17 are now online at the link below. Copies will be place in distribution buildings by Friday afternoon or sooner.
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Alma Spikes Nurse, Tiffany Gugle will be at the building this Friday, April 10, from 12:00-1:00. If parents need to pick up any items from the nurse’s office we will be admitting one parent at a time to do so.
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
AMI Materials You can use the links below if you prefer to download and print your own copy. This link will take you to access the PBS materials. Week 2 will be there when it’s available. Again, do not do PBS Week 1 unless you just want to use it for activities. The links below should take you directly to the pages where you will find AMI materials for days 1-10. Kindergarten Link: First Grade Link: Second Grade Link:
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
The AMI materials building at Sutton Baptist Church looks like this, it is easy to find in the parking lot. Thanks to Sutton Baptist Church for letting us use the parking lot.
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
sutton AMI building
The AMI material buildings are up and running. Thank you to Chad Overman for allowing us to use his buildings during this unusual time. This one is at the American Made Store.
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Attention Alma Spikes Parents, What we know at this time about school related items: The Arkansas Department of Education stated that by the end of the week or early next week, DESE would let us know what the rest of the school year was going to look like. PBS AMI Materials start next week, Monday, April 6. We will be asking students to complete Week 2. They should skip week 1 because that time period was covered with our local AMI packets. This link will take you to access the PBS materials. Week 2 will be linked for printing or downloading from that page when it’s available. Hard copies are available in the following locations starting Friday, April 3rd. Biggers Postoffice Sutton Baptist Church American Made Store Main School Campus-in front of Jr. High and M.D. Williams. Please only take what you need. Refrain from taking extra copies. There are drop-off boxes so completed packets can be returned. This isn’t required, you can hold all packets until a later date if you prefer. The Student Feeding Program will resume next week. Pickups will be available on Monday and Wednesday with individuals receiving enough for five breakfast and lunches. Refer to the schedule on the previous post. The Food Backpack Program is currently discontinued and you are referred to the Feeding Program mentioned above. Student pictures and yearbooks have not arrived yet, however, we will design a pickup plan once that happens. I want to remind parents that AMI materials should not cause a negative issue within their home. For our primary grades, at Alma Spikes, they are for attendance records and not graded to reflect performance or affect classroom academic grades. .
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Clip art
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Everyone is invited!! Mr. Pipkin would like everyone to join “Alma Spikes Art with Mr. Pipkin” on Facebook. I hope you join the page for art fun. This is not a requirement or part of AMI responsibilities. (Search the title if the link doesn’t work)
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Ms. Oaks, our Alma Spikes Counselor, has asked that any parent that could benefit from her services, when dealing with a student, can contact her at the following email.
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
If you would like to print a copy of the AMI day materials, but need assistance, I'm told that the Randolph County Library would be able to help.
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Dear Alma Spikes Parents, We are currently in the middle of redesigning our AMI day materials. You should have a hard copy or a link to AMI days 1-10. AMI days 1-9 will get us through this Friday. Starting next Monday, we plan to have another approach in place. If you are in need of materials for Days 1-9, you will be able to pick those up at distribution centers around town starting in late afternoon on Friday, April 3rd. I will be in touch before then to explain what happens starting next Monday, April 6th. At this point we plan to partner with Arkansas PBS and supply packets for pick up. At this time however, have students complete AMI day materials for days 1-9. I will provide more information as it becomes available. Shawn Carter
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
I have been asked about he Kindergarten AMI materials, specifically option 2. A normal instructional day consist of a standard 360 minutes. I told the parent that it sounded like a mistake, but after reviewing it, I believe it is correct. With that said, understand that these materials are a requirement of an AMI day. However, these lessons and/or materials should never get in the way of a family's time. It is not meant to interfere or disurpt a home. Please have the students complete the material throughout the day with breaks and activities included. AMI days are not meant to frustate students or families, so please don't let it do so. Once we return to school, the packets will be collected to document completion for attendance.
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Governor Hutchinson announced today that all Arkansas schools will be closed through April 17th. We are currently working on plans to provide AMI day material for the extended closure. I will provide more detailed information as soon as it is available. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Press Release
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Broadway
Here are a few more examples of funny parents. Thanks again for the laughs.
almost 5 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal