Alma Spikes Elementary is sending out progress reports today. Be sure to check backpacks tonight.

American Made Fundraiser is closing out this Friday, November 22nd. All orders and money must be turned in by this Friday. Orders will be filled and distributed the week after Thanksgiving break.

Alma Spikes is happy to announce Dinner for Alma Night!! Bella Piazza has generously offered to donate 10% of the evening's revenue to Alma Spikes. The third Tuesday of each month will be Alma Night, November 19 is the next one. 3:00-9:00 pm, dine-in or carry out.

PTO meeting tonight at Alma Spikes. 6:00 pm in the Cafetiere.

Cookie Dough made it in yesterday. We only have about 10 orders left to be picked up today. If you haven't gotten yours yet, be sure to come by school ASAP.

Reminder that the Cookie Dough Fundraiser orders have arrived!!!!!! Please pick up your items between 2pm and 6pm today (11/13) in the Alma cafeteria.

Cookie Dough is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. It should be ready for pickup between 2 and 6 tomorrow afternoon in the lunchroom.

Due to expected bad weather this afternoon, Alma Spikes is canceling after school tutoring for Monday, Nov. 11th. Please make transportation arrangements for any student that was scheduled to stay for tutoring today.

Cookie Dough is still scheduled for delivery next Wednesday, November 13th. I know it's been a while so thanks again for your patience. T-shirts should have all been distributed at this point. They were sent home with students yesterday and today.

Alma Parents-Winter is coming! AMI day packets are also on their way. If you indicated that you did not want a hard copy than remember it can be accessed on the district home page. Please hold on to these packets in case we have a bad weather day that is identified as an AMI day. You do not have to complete these packets until that time.

Kindergarten Parents-A well child check-up/physical is required for all Kindergarten students. Thank you to all those that have complied with this State Law. I'll be sending individual reminders to those parents that haven't yet complied.

The Kindergarten field trip was canceled due to bad weather and they are trying to reschedule a new one before Winter Break. I wanted to assure parents that the funds they sent to school for the first trip are still in place. All of it has been recorded and deposited. It is simply in holding until the new trip is planned.

Second Nine Weeks Progress Reports are scheduled to go home on November 15th. Alma Spikes will have several teachers out of pocket that week. Therefore, we will be sending them home on Monday, November 18th.

Pictures of the order options. Orders forms are due back by Nov. 20th and will be fulfilled the week after Thanksgiving.

Alma Spikes parents should have found the American Made Fundraiser forms in backpacks this weekend. Yes, this is a partnership with our local American Made Store. Last day for this fundraiser will be Nov. 20th. Orders will be ready for pickup the week of Dec. 2.

The Duck bus will be running a second route today November 1, 2019. Duck bus riders will be arriving home later than usual.

Cookie Dough was just confirmed for delivery on November 13th. Yeah!!! Make plans to pick up that afternoon at the end of the day.

I was just told that the Alma Spikes T-Shirt orders should be out to students by next Thursday, Nov. 7. The delay has been due to materials availability from the supplier. Thanks so much for your patience in this matter. I understand it has been a long turn around.

Alma Spikes Reminder: After school tutoring is not scheduled for today. There is no tutoring this afternoon at Alma Spikes. Enjoy your Halloween.

I am postponing the Kindergarten trip to Autumn woods for tomorrow. It will be too wet and cold for the students to enjoy the day. We will try to reschedule a trip for Kindergarten to another location before Christmas break.