November 15th is Fall Picture Retake Day! You can pre-order online at
Upcoming Events for November!
Tuesday October 31, 2023. The Duck bus is double routed today. Duck bus riders will be arriving home a little later than usual. Thank you for your patience.
Attention Parents: Monday, Oct. 30th, Due to transportation issues, the Canoe Bus will be running an hour late for their afternoon drop-off. Thank you for your understanding.
Our character trait for the month of October is Kindness. Last Friday we had an assembly honoring those students nominated by their teachers as well as teachers nominated by their peers. Congratulations to all that were nominated.
Friday, October 27, 2023. The Duck bus is double-routed and will be arriving home a little later than usual. Thank you for your patience.
Community Day that was being held on October 28th at the Junior High and MD Williams is cancelled due to inclement weather.
Thursday October 26, 2023. The Car bus is double routed and will be arriving home a little later than usual. Thank you for your patience.
UPDATED TRANSPORTATION: Wednesday, October 25th, the Camel and Pine Tree Bus will be double routed. Drop off this afternoon will be later than usual.
Wednesday October 25, 2023. The Pine Tree bus is double routed and will be arriving home a little later than usual. Thank you for your patience.
Attention Parents: Their will be no school tomorrow due to Fall Break on Friday October 20th. Have a wonderful weekend!
Parent/Teacher Conferences are tonight!!! Be sure to make your appointment if you still need one. Parents are asked to enter the building at the end of their student's grade level hall. (Parents are allowed to park in the bus area tonight.) Be sure to check the lost and found items while you are here!
Attention Parents: Wednesday, Oct. 18th Due to transportation issues, the Flower and Duck Bus will be running an hour late for the afternoon drop-off.
Important Dates are coming up for the month of October.
Monday October 16, 2023. The Canoe bus is double routed today. Canoe bus riders will be arriving home a little later than usual. Thank you for your patience.
Come join us at our community day on October 28th from 10-2 at the Junior High/MD Williams Bus loop. Parking will be at the High School. Fun activities and food will be available for the whole family.
Next Thursday, October 19th is Parent Teacher Conferences. Letters should be going home this week in your child's backpack. Please contact your child's teacher or the office to schedule an appointment.
Friday October 6 , 2023. The Duck bus and Chief bus is double routed today. Bus riders will be arriving home a little later than usual. Thank you for your patience.
Parent Reminder that Cookie Dough fundraiser is due Monday, October 9th!
Due to a lack of bus drivers Duck bus, Chief Bus and Canoe Bus will be running an hour late for afternoon drop off.