The Duck bus is being double routed this afternoon (2/25/2021). Please expect a delay in your child's arrival home this afternoon if they ride the Duck bus. Thank you for your patience!
Lifetouch will be @ Alma tomorrow (2/23) for group classroom pictures. If you are a virtual student and are wanting your picture taken with your virtual classmates, please make arrangements to be at Alma @ 10:30. Pre-order online @ Picture Day ID: EVTHNMDQZ
Alma Spikes Elementary on 2/15/2021.
Congratulations to Carla Wiseman!!! She won a dozen cupcakes donated by Jana Caldwell at Carter City and County Realty.
The Duck bus is being double routed this afternoon (2/4/2021). Please expect a delay in your child's arrival home this afternoon if they ride the Duck bus. Thank you for your patience!
The Duck bus is being double routed this afternoon (2/3/2021). Please expect a delay in your child's arrival home this afternoon if they ride the Duck bus. Thank you for your patience!
The Duck bus is being double routed this afternoon (2/2/2021). Please expect a delay in your child's arrival home this afternoon if they ride the Duck bus. Thank you for your patience!
Due to issues beyond our control, Alma Spikes will continue to be virtual this Thursday and Friday. At this time we plan to reopen “on-campus” learning, Monday, January 25. We understand that this can be an inconvenience but thank you for your understanding.
Most students are currently scheduled to return to campus on Jan. 21st. Contacts are being made to students that will have to quarantine through Jan. 25th. Please refer to the district webpage if you need to request a meal from the cafeteria for virtual days.
Alma Spikes Elementary will be pivoting to virtual instruction starting Thursday, Jan. 14 through Wednesday, Jan. 20. Teachers will be sending information to students and will be live streaming each day. Please check your child's email for details about their class meetings.
Due to the limited number of available staff and the hope of reducing the number of possible Covid-19 contacts, after school tutoring will be canceled on 1/11/21 and 1/13/21.
The Duck bus is being double routed this afternoon (1/07/2021). Please expect a delay in your child's arrival home this afternoon if they ride the Duck bus. Thank you for your patience!
Happy New Year from Alma Spikes Elementary!!!! We return to campus next Monday, January 4th.
If you have questions about your child returning to school due to contact with positive Covid 19 cases over the break, please touch base with our District Point of Contact.
Marlow Wardlow, M.Ed.
Christmas Spirit is shown in many ways at Alma Spikes...
Reminder that tomorrow (12/08) is Polar Express Day @ Alma Spikes. Don't forget to wear your pajamas!!!
The Duck bus is being double routed this afternoon (12/4/2020). Please expect a delay in your child's arrival home this afternoon if they ride the Duck bus. Thank you for your patience!
Today (11/30) will be the LAST DAY of after school tutoring @ Alma Spikes. We are beginning to run into staffing shortages and are also trying to reduce the number of contacts across Alma campus. Thank you for your help and understanding!
We have officially made it to Thanksgiving break without closing Alma Spikes for an unscheduled day.
We are currently preparing for school after the break. I have asked all teachers to send home Chromebooks and materials so students will have them at home. Obviously, students do not have assignments to complete over the break but with rising Covid cases in the state, I want us to be prepared for virtual classes if necessary.
Thanksgiving is designed for family gatherings and spending time with loved ones. Please be careful and take precautions as needed, to ensure a peaceful and healthy return to school after the break.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back to the building on November 30, 2020!
Alma Spikes Cohort Redesign:
We have been working with the design of small groups (cohorts) within each classroom. The intent was to limit the point of contacts to the smallest groups necessary. We have followed this approach as much as possible to this point.
Last week we used the approach to limit the number of people needing to quarantine in a Kindergarten classroom but within a week another student in the room that was part of a different cohort and wasn’t quarantined, tested positive. We cannot be absolutely sure that the second positive was contracted in the classroom, but we also cannot rule out that possibility.
Therefore, we are making a fundamental change. Each classroom is now it’s own cohort. If a positive case appears within a classroom, that entire room will have to be quarantined.
Teachers are still encouraged to use social distancing within the classrooms to hopefully limit actual contact or the spread of any illness. Teachers are being instructed to closely monitor their contact to other individuals within six feet for fifteen minutes over a twenty-four hour period. We will always want to err on the side of caution and be proactive with any positive cases identified.
We understand that this may increase the number of students and staff that have to be quarantined as an unfortunate side-effect. However, the safety and health of students and staff should be the first issue of concern.
Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter.
Reminder that tomorrow (11/18) is Lifetouch picture retake day for Alma students. Virtual students can come any time between 10-11 AM.