iPad found on Highland Blvd. It was turned in to the Alma Office. Access code required to collect the device.
The Duck bus is being double routed this afternoon (11/16/2020). Please expect a delay in your child's arrival home this afternoon if they ride the Duck bus. Thank you for your patience!
Attention Virtual Parents!
Picture Retake Day @ Alma Spikes!!!
Retake day is November 18th, next Wednesday.
This is for anyone who missed the original picture day or anyone who wants their picture retaken.
10:00-11:00 is set aside for Virtual students.
Order forms are in the office or you can order online @:
Use the Picture Day ID: EVTZHHWC7
Alma Spikes fundraiser items will be available for pick up today!!! If your child placed an order, please come by any time between 1 - 2:30 or 3:30 - 5:30. Drive by pickup only.
Alma Spikes Stakeholders are asked to complete the survey for High Reliability Schools Level 3 Survey!.
Thank you.
Staff / Parents: https: //bit.ly/34k09Wp
Students: https: //bit.ly/3cNkuHi
Duck bus is being double routed this afternoon (11/3/2020). Please expect a delay in your child's arrival home this afternoon if they ride the Duck bus. Thank you for your patience!
Unfortunately, our t-shirt fundraiser did not meet the quantity requirements to place an order. If your child turned in an order form for this fundraiser, it will be sent back home with your child. It should be coming home today or tomorrow, please be on the lookout.
Alma Spikes is currently experiencing internet and phone difficulties.
The Randolph County Imagination Library Committee will meet November 4, 2020 at 5:30 in the high school library.
If you are interested in being a part of this endeavor to put free books in the hands of children from birth to 5 years old please come join us.
No Tutoring Reminder: Alma Spikes does not have tutoring today due to Parent/Teacher Conferences. October, 29, 2020
October 29, 2020-The Duck bus is being double routed this afternoon. Duck bus riders will be arriving home later than usual today. Thank you for you patience and understanding.
The Alma Spikes T-Shirt ordering window has been extended to Friday, Oct. 30th. New order forms should be coming home today. Be sure to return all orders by this Friday.
Alma Parents, Please Help!
We are still exchanging school face masks each day with laundered ones. We are losing masks because they are not being worn back to school for the exchange.
Please check at home, in backpacks, cars and anywhere a mask may have be left. We need all masks returned so they can go back into the rotation.
There will be NO after school tutoring at Alma Spikes on 10/22 or 10/29.
Alma Spikes celebrates Unity Day by wearing orange! #unityday2020
Just a reminder that tomorrow (10/22) is the LAST DAY to order your Alma Spikes T-shirt. Don't miss out!!!
Don't forget to wear your orange tomorrow (10/21) for Unity Day!
Career Day at Alma Spikes.
Tomorrow is Game Day so wear the Red and White.
Alma Spikes staff enjoys Decade Day too. Spirit Week 2020!