Hey Parent! Great news! The Tumblebook library is up and running for students. Go to the address below and use the provided username and password to access the online library. www.tumblebooklibrary.com Username: aspikes Password: reads
over 4 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Alma Spikes Elementary would like to thank Farmers and Merchants Bank for providing our staff lunch and back to school gifts today.
over 4 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Alma Spikes Orientation-Open House 2020-2021 Preschool, First Grade and Second Grade will be taking drop in visitation on August 11, 2020 from 1:00-7:00 pm. Any student that did not attend Alma Spikes last year in K-2 should come to register. This includes incoming Preschool students, incoming Kindergarten students and students opting for the virtual classroom. Any student that did attend Alma Spikes last year should find their name on the classroom placement list. Students and parents will be able to go to their classroom to meet the teacher and drop off supplies. Classroom placements are posted at the front of the building. There are of course some guidelines to follow. Paraprofessionals will be posted at the entry doors to limit the number of people in the classrooms at one time. So please be patience. Masks will be required inside any building. Social distancing is required while waiting to enter the building. Designated entry points will be identified. Our goal is to continue involving our parents as much as possible, while complying with regulations. We appreciate your help toward this goal. Remember: Kindergarten registration will take place tomorrow the 11th, but classroom visits are not planned until Kindergarten Open House on August 27th.
over 4 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
over 4 years ago, Pocahontas School District
Millage Election Flyer Page 1
Millage Election Flyer Page 2
You can now electronically submit the Chromebook 1:1 Program Agreement and Opt-Out Forms at the bottom of our Chromebook page under Submit Online. https://www.pocahontaspsd.com/o/district/page/chromebook-1-1--2
over 4 years ago, PSD Technology
Alma Spikes Elementary classroom postings will now be on August 10th.
over 4 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Virtual Classroom Survey. Please complete as soon as possible. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3NTNRDT We truly need this information by Wednesday, August 5th. This will push back classroom placement postings.
over 4 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Virtual learning with Mr. Jerry Martens. https://youtu.be/Tvb_N3oElgY
over 4 years ago, Pocahontas Public Schools
Supply List 2020-2021
over 4 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Supply List 2020-2021
Alma Spikes Orientation-Open House 2020-2021 Details Preschool, First Grade and Second Grade will be taking drop in visitation on August 11, 2020 from 1:00-7:00 pm. Students and parents will be able to go to their classroom to meet the teacher and drop off supplies. Classroom assignments will be posted at the front of the building on August 5, 2020. There are of course some guidelines to follow. Paraprofessionals will be posted at the entry doors to limit the number of people in the classrooms at one time. So please be patience. Masks will be required inside any building. Social distancing is required while waiting to enter the building. Designated entry points will be identified. The staff will be meeting on this Monday to design any other details for the Open House. Our goal is to continue involving our parents as much as possible, while complying with regulations. We appreciate your help toward this goal. Remember: Kindergarten Open House will be August 27th. Registration will take place on the 11th but classroom visits are not planned for Kindergarten on August 11th.
over 4 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
I failed to add this line to the bottom of the last post. However, since it applies to all plan, I'll post it as a stand alone announcement. All Plans are subject to change with newly established guidelines and/or restrictions .
over 4 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Alma Spikes Mask Rotation Plan: The district has stated that they will provide three cloth masks for each student and teacher. This plan is based on rotating those mask. Students will wear face masks any time they are transitioning around the building. Their mask will be attached to a safety lanyard so it hangs around their neck when not in use. This will make it easier to keep the mask with them and prevent them from accidentally using someone else's mask. As students leave the building for recess, they will place their mask and lanyard in their class's laundry bag. The collected mask will be laundered and dispensed back to them the next day. (We will use disinfecting hypo allergenic detergents.) At the end of recess, teachers will gather their classes on the playground (socially distancing) and dispense a laundered mask and attached lanyard. IMPORTANT! Students will be responsible for wearing their mask home and back to school the next day. Students arriving to school without their mask will be given one to wear until recess, when they will be given their classroom mask as normal. I suggest that students attach their mask to their backpack or school bag each afternoon after leaving campus or the school bus. Playground duty teachers will wear their mask when they are unable to socially distance on the playground. Students will be encouraged to play with their classroom cohort group and/or socially distance from individuals outside their cohort. These measures should allow students to play outside without a mask. Water fountains will be used for bottle refilling only, no direct drinking from a fountain will be allowed. Water bottles CAN NOT be glass and should be clear.
over 4 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Alma Spikes Classroom Arrangement Plan. Recommendations are allowing students in classrooms to be separated into groups. I'll refer to these groups as "cohorts". Teachers will be dividing students into cohorts with less than 10 students each. Each cohort will be assigned to certain areas within the room. These areas can change and/or rotate as long as they are cleaned between cohort usage. Grouping into these cohorts should allow students and teachers the ability to go without masks inside their cohorts. We are reviewing clear protective dividers to be used during small group instruction so mask would not be required there either. Mask will be required during transitions outside the classrooms. My next post will be outlining the building mask plan. All Plans are subject to change with newly established guidelines and/or restrictions .
over 4 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Attention!!!! Second Grade Parents I was able to purchase three inch binders for all students through our school budget so parents don't have to buy them. Please do not purchase the three inch binder listed on the second grade supply list, it will be provided.
over 4 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Chromebook/Online/Virtual: Chromebooks: All students will be assigned a Chromebook. Parents can opt out of the Chromebook program if they prefer to use their own devices. There are forms that parents must sign for either situation. On campus students can take their Chromebooks to and from school as directed by individual classroom teachers. However; classrooms will not have Chromebook carts for charging since each device(including chargers) will be assigned to individual students Daily use Chromebooks can be checked out in the library if a child forgets their device at home. These will be limited, so responsible device usage will be very important. Online Instruction: Classroom teachers will be posting lessons and assignments online. Activity teachers will post lessons addressing curriculum standards for their subject areas. Virtual Classroom: Full time virtual students have not yet been identified. If enough virtual students register, we would like to assign one virtual teacher to a virtual classroom per grade level. They would live stream instructional lessons for that virtual classroom. All Plans are subject to change with newly established guidelines and/or restrictions .
over 4 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Alma Spikes New Student Registration! August 11, 2020 from 1:00-7:00 p.m. Transfer students for First and Second Grade will need to register at the office. They will immediately be assigned to a teacher and be able to visit the classroom at that time. New students that plan to use the virtual option will still need to complete registration at the building during this time. Parents will be asked to complete the Chromebook acceptance or denial form before leaving. 1. Due to the possibility of several people in the building at one time, we do ask that everyone wear a mask when you are not able to social distance. 2. All plans are subject to change with new guidelines and/or restrictions established.
over 4 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
New Student Registration
Kindergarten Registration!!!! August 11, 2020, 1:00-7:00 p.m. All Kindergarten students registering for the 2020-2021 school year are asked to bring the following information. Birth Certificate Immunization Record Social Security Card Kindergarten Physical (Students that attended Alma Spikes Preschool or Head Start Preschool should already have this on file at the building.) This includes individuals that have already submitted a data form to the building and those interested in enrolling as a virtual student. All incoming Kindergarten students will be assigned their pre-assessment date at this time of registering. Pre-assessment defined: One third of the Kindergarten class will be brought into the building on August 24, 25, and 26. They will be assessed for basic entry level knowledge by Kindergarten teachers. This information is used to determine classroom placement for the grade level. These assessments will be finished by 1:00 p.m. each day and parents are welcome to pick their child up at that time on their assigned assessment day. Placement will be completed on August 27th and Kindergarten Open House will be scheduled for that afternoon from 1:00 to 7:00 p.m. Parents will be asked to complete the Chromebook acceptance or denial form before leaving on August 27th. All Kindergarten students will attend for the first time on Friday, August 28th. 1. Due to the possibility of several people in the building at one time, we do ask that everyone wear a mask when you are not able to social distance. 2. All plans are subject to change with new guidelines and/or restrictions established.
over 4 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Kindergarten Registration
Alma Spikes Orientation-Open House 2020-2021 We will be hosting an Open House in place of our traditional orientation night this year! "Parents Make a Difference" School Visit 2020-2021 For: Preschool, First Grade and Second Grade When: August 11, 2020, from 1:00-7:00 p.m. Teachers will be in their rooms and available for visits from 1:00-7:00 p.m. Students are encouraged to attend with a parent to meet their new teacher and drop off their supplies in the classroom. Parents will be asked to complete the Chromebook acceptance or denial forms before leaving that day. If you plan to use the Virtual option for those grade levels, this will also be the time to checkout a Chromebook or sign the denial form stating that you will use your own device. Therefore, still make plans to attend this Open House. Looking forward to seeing you here! Be on the lookout for the future post which will address new students and incoming Kindergartner registration. 1. Due to the possibility of several people in the building at one time, we do ask that everyone wear a mask when you are not able to social distance. 2. All plans are subject to change with new guidelines and/or restrictions established.
over 4 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Back to School
Backpack to School Program Announced!!
over 4 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Pocahontas Public School District Opportunities for Learning 2020-2021 https://5il.co/igpy
over 4 years ago, Pocahontas Public Schools