We hope our students enjoyed 101st day of school as much as we did!
about 9 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Congratulations to Casey Lewis for being the winner of "JoeBot the Robot"! All students who returned their address booklet fundraiser between Tuesday and Friday were entered into the drawing. We had 244 students participate! That is awesome, students and parents! We made over $1100!
about 9 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Attention Alma Parents: Friday, January 29 is the last day to turn in the address books. Our school earns $ .50 for each complete address we receive. You do no selling. Simply fill in the 11 address pages. All students returning the booklet will receive a prize and be entered to win "Joebot the Robot". Please check your student's backpack for the booklet, complete and return it. We appreciate your help!
about 9 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Attention Alma Parents: Friday, January 29 is the last day to turn in the address books sent home earlier this week. Our school earns $ .50 for each complete address we receive. You do no selling. Simply fill in the 11 address pages. All students returning the booklet will receive a prize and be entered to win "Joebot the Robot" in our drawing Friday afternoon. Please check your student's backpack for the booklet and complete and return it.we appreciate your help!
about 9 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Due to forecast of winter weather entering the area later this afternoon or evening, Alma Spikes is cancelling after-school tutoring and the scheduled PTO meeting for tonight. Jan. 19th. Thank you.
about 9 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
School will not be session on Monday, January 18th in observation of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
about 9 years ago, Shawn Carter
Tuesday night at 5:30 will be our monthly PTO meeting. Jennifer Clay, our President, has organized a fun night of leaning. There will be 5 tables set up as STEM stations: catapult making, 3D structures with toothpicks and marshmallows, chain reactions with cups and popsicle sticks, Volcanoes (smaller,less messy ones), and a butterfly lifecycle craft. We need your support and help with the stations. She said we will need 1-2 people at each station. We would really like to have a great turnout. Please talk with your students about the fun activities. Notes will go home tomorrow. Then I will make reminder bracelets for Tuesday if you will let me know you want them. I am so happy with the crowds that this year's PTO meetings have drawn. Typically January meetings are very low attendance. I am hoping for a good turnout! Thanks!
about 9 years ago, Shawn Carter
Yearbooks on sale now. Prices may vary. Price Information sheets have gone home with students.
over 9 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
The Fundraiser Items are here. You are welcome to come to the building and pick them up anytime today.
over 9 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Attention ALMA SPIKES parents:Fundraiser items will NOT be here today. Our order did not make it to Memphis in time this morning. They have promised delivery tomorrow.
over 9 years ago, Shawn Carter
Attention ALMA SPIKES parents:Fundraiser items will NOT be here today. Our order did not make it to Memphis in time this morning to be on the delivery truck. They have promised delivery tomorrow. Sorry for any inconvenience.
over 9 years ago, Shawn Carter
Just a reminder to everyone! Fundraiser Delivery Date Dec 2
over 9 years ago, Shawn Carter
PTO Meeting: Pictures With Santa December 15th, 5:30
over 9 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal
Watch your Pocahontas Redskins take on the Star City Bulldogs, live Friday at 7:00pm http://livestream.com/pocahontaspsd-tv/events/4521216
over 9 years ago, Pocahontas Public Schools
Training on a new school App. today.
over 9 years ago, Shawn Carter, Principal